It’s summer, and it is supposed to be hot, right? No point complaining when the corn, and tomatoes enjoy the heat. And we get to enjoy all the great produce from Lloyd Craft Farm! While picking up your weekly share of veggies please stop at our Diamond S Delights table for other goodies - speciality cheeses, breads, tortillas. Order all your dairy needs a head of time so we have what your family likes on Thursday.. PLUS we will be adding Saturdays starting 7/28 8 a.m. Diamond S will be delivering to Bee Healthy. Let us know if this suits your schedule better. AND let's all try and kick back, grill those burgers add a slice of cheese of course, and add some great vegetables and enjoy a picnic before July is all gone. For the week of July 23 thru 28th you can reserve:
Here Bob and I are mixing Sourdough Bread in Switzerland. I can't believe it's been a year ago that we traveled three weeks in Switzerland. We hiked and walked the steps of the late Weston A Price, learning what traditional foods he found and studied from people all over the world that seemed to be healthier than those eating different diets. Of course raw dairy was one of the items he researched the most as well as the fermented breads and vegetables. We don't make our sourdough bread in batches of this size but the concept is the same. What a memorable wonderful trip, with wonderful like minded folk from many countries.
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Today will be our first share pickup at the Craft Farm from 4 to 6 pm. This is definately our Happy Spot. Join us. This will be our third year - being invited to join all members with a Diamond S Delights table. Before heading out to Crafts and thru garden season will also include a BEE HEALTHY stop at 3 o'clock to restock our raw milk product orders at our wonderful Health Food store in Worland. Most of our Delights are by special order, but if you see something you like that isn't labeled with someone else's name please feel free to purchase. We ask all 1st time clients to read an information sheet and sign a 1/2 page waiver sheet so we have your contact information and also it is to let us know you are truly a raw milk drinker and are doing the research to find all the wonderful health benefits it provides. These two half sheets are inside our client folder that everyone keeps track of their orders. We'd love to have you join us. Below Diana Gulas one happy shopper, right top, just a portion of what we got in our first basket, bottom left the sanitized bottles, after returning ready for our next delivery, last a 10 # bowl of seasoned Feta ready for bottling. The new batch for this coming week! What's available the week of July 16 thru 21 at Diamond S Delights and for deliveries:
Thank you for joining us, Kris for Diamond S Tuesdays and Saturdays are cheese making days at the Diamond S and we indeed were planning a cheese class for today. Unfortunately our guests had to reschedule so our cheese making turned to a much younger class. Amelia got two clients, Lilly and Bridger and I got a seasoned cheese maker Cedar. We made an Alpine cheese in three small vats. Each cheese maker had a vat and a helper, curd was seasoned with three different recipes. We hope you like them. Along with the cheese curd we've cut one wheel of Swiss, and will have a small batch of cottage cheese ready. Listed below will be everything we can deliver this week!! TEXT ORDERS NOW small batches of all fresh cheeses are made. They need to be spoken for within a 7 day period. We like you to have our product fresh, so get your name on what you want us to deliver to you!!
The email went to Diamond S members but the blog didn't get published. So sorry, but we still have butter, Feta and Swiss for the taking here at the store and at Bee Healthy in Worland. New blog with what's available this week will be posted soon...hoping Sunday or Monday. Please join us at Craft's farm this week - Thursday July 12th between 4 and 6 pm. Or stop at Bee Healthy. Let us know which location is easiest for your weekly orders.
Kris for Diamond S Delights |
September 2024
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]