The average milk cow in the U.S.A. now produces almost 11,000 liters per year. The highest amount of milk ever produced by a cow in a year was approximately 27,000 litres by a Holstein named Robthom Sue Paddy! WHAT A COW!!
A cow that is milking drinks about 30 to 50 gallons of water each day. That’s enough water to fill a bathtub. During periods of heat stress, water intake may double. Water weighs 8.35 pounds per gallon, so a milking dairy cow may consume as much as 420 (or more) pounds of water daily. Cows like it cool. Due to their thick skin, hair and natural insulation, dairy cows prefer temperatures between 40˚ and 65˚F. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of dairy cow trivia! Just need to throw the spotlight their way once in awhile, since they are the source of all the goodies that come out of the Diamond S Dairy! Speaking of goodies...don't forget about the Lemon Yogurt offered the 2nd week of the month and our aged cheeses. Also, a Spring Basket is being offered next week. Check it out on our "products" page! April showers bring May flowers. — Linda
Hooray for the much-needed moisture that arrived this past week! (Gotta stay positive, right?) Chances are, this last snowstorm and its cold temps were the last breath of winter. Hopefully, any future moisture will be accompanied by more seasonable temperatures!
Calving season is all but over, here on the Diamond S ranch. In a few short days, all of the snow will be melted away and the baby calves will be romping around in the greening pastures. With this sure sign of spring comes an unending "to-do" list of spring work to be done: brandings, farming, fencing, dragging fields, and so on. The dairy is buzzing, also, with calves to tend and a healthy amount of milk being produced. Kris continues to put in long hours of hard work to keep up with the supply and demand of the milk and all the yummy dairy products she creates with it. As many of us become focused on our springtime to-do lists, let's remember to focus on the blessings that come with the season. The return of colors to the landscape and the warmth of the sun, new life, and a chance to "get outside and blow the stink off" (as my mother used to say), all help to make doing the to-do list a not-so-bad-thing to do. Have a nice spring everyone! — Linda P.S. Monthly orders for May need to be in, as do orders for this week. If you plan on ordering, get 'er done! Keep in mind that 8 oz. and 12 oz. sizes of both Smoky Cactus Jack and Original Cactus Jack are now available! Let us know which flavor you want (Smoky or Original) in the "notes" section. Thank you! Preschool anyone? Our little grandson gets to come help Nana for a couple days. We're waiting till the deliveries are complete then meeting he and his daddy, so Jack and I will put the little ones in the corral in preschool...putting the halters on them and teaching them to follow us. Get your Lemon Yogurt & Grilling Cheese orders in: by Sunday 4/10/2022 for Thursday delivery. Yup we didn't get the word out quick enough to make your favorite yogurt for this week, but if you want some for Easter please order this week. We also have a nice batch of our Grilling Cheese, "Halloumi" available. Yes it doesn't melt on the grill outside or in your frying pan with onions and taters. An amazing cheese, for those that like the milder cheeses. We also are continually cutting the aged cheeses. Cowboy Cheddar, Cactus Jack and soon ColdSprings Colby check out our new button on the website that takes you to the online store. If you've had Diamond S Products in the past and don't see them in the store shoot me a message. I really need a three gallon minimum to make special orders, (that's approximately 3 pounds of cheese)but if you visit with your friends and all get together I'll make anything you've had here before.
January 2025
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]