You may ask yourself, what is kefir and why should I drink it? Good questions, let me tell you! Kefir is a probiotic drink made from fermented milk. More recently referred to as a drinkable yogurt which helps to balance your digestive system and recolonize it with good bacteria. It has been found to be one of the best ways to get many different bioactive ingredients, including up to 30 different strains of “good” bacteria into your diet. Made with good milk, it is great for your entire body from your bones to your skin and also helps boost immunity! Sounds like the perfect food, doesn’t it? Learn more health benefit specifics about Kefir from this informational page of Dr. Axe. This probiotic super-hero of a drink has been around in various forms for thousands of years and can be made by combining nearly any kind of milk with kefir starter grains, which are a combination of bacteria and yeast. Naturally, we believe the best way to make kefir is with raw cows milk and that is also the Robertson’s personal preference in how they consume dairy on a daily basis! Do I need to make it myself from Diamond S milk or can I purchase it already made? As with many things in life, there is a lot of joy in the process. Making basic kefir is actually very simple and extremely rewarding. Simply combine milk with kefir grains, let it sit for 24 hours at room temperature, strain the grains out, and it's ready to drink. Easy instructions can be found here. If you are ready to make your own, contact Kris for your kefir grains and milk! Making your own can be great, but if you are nervous of the process and want to just purchase some, contact Diamond S to get on her kefir rotation. Not only is kefir great plain, but for those a little less into a more sour, yogurt-like drink, Kris has perfected her Maple Kefir recipe which is absolutely delicious with its natural maple syrup as the sweet flavor. It’s perfection! Oh, and did I mention that it freezes well!? Even when the dairy cows slow their production and kefir availability decreases, you can still have kefir by ordering ahead and freezing it! What if I don’t like to drink kefir? No problem! Do you like smoothies? Kefir makes an amazing base to any kind of smoothie, ice cream, or even popsicles for kids (or adults (; ). An easy smoothie recipe would be combine 1 cup raw milk kefir with your favorite fruit, such as a banana and a handful of raspberries. Add a bit of water to thin if necessary. Add protein powder or mix with our cheese whey for the protein. The Striff Family, loyal Diamond S customers and seasonal delivery drivers to Worland love popsicles. They say to put one quart of kefir (or yogurt) in with one container of any natural juice concentrate (orange is the favorite) in a blender and then into popsicle forms to freeze. It's a favorite snack of the entire family throughout the year! Want more ideas for Kefir smoothies to fit your fancy? Check out this page! https://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/recipe/milk-kefir-recipes/fresh-frozen-any-fruit-kefir-smoothie/ To Kefir or Not? Check out the links above and if you would love to try Kefir, contact Kris to learn what Diamond S has available and how to order! Blessings, ~Diamond S P.S. Want to learn about yogurt? You're in luck, that's our next blog post!
When we refer to real milk, we are talking about milk that comes from real, healthy, dairy cows who eat real foods instead of genetically modified grains or cheap filler feeds that have almost no nutritional value. If a cow doesn’t have the proper lifestyle and nutrition, their milk suffers. Real milk is also, and very importantly, NOT pasteurized (a process known to destroy good enzymes, proteins and vitamins) or homogenized (a process in which the butterfat globules are broken down so they don’t rise to the top). If you want details on milk and why Real Milk (Raw Milk) is a movement, https://www.realmilk.com/ is the best place to go and learn. They also help to settle the fears of those thinking that raw milk is dangerous to consume. Spoiler, it’s not! The end result of good, real milk is a lovely bottle of white milky goodness with a layer of cream on the top, the thicker the better! While milk has great benefits on its own, it also can be used to make cultured dairy products and cheeses which provide an even wider range of health benefits (to be discussed in later posts) and also taste amazing. If you don’t believe that there's a world of difference between the yogurt made from raw milk and yogurt you grab in the grocery, boy are you in for a treat. Just order a serving of our lemon yogurt, you won’t be sorry!
If you want to learn more about dairy, Diamond S friend Laurie and her friend, Jamie, have put together a lovely class that is entitled The Wonderful World of Dairy. Why A2A2 Milk Matters Once in a while, you might see someone refer to cows that produce A1 or A2 milk. They are referring to the protein make up of the milk itself. A2 is the original version of milk protein that is more digestible and found in more of the heritage cow breeds. It's an easier to digest protein is especially important if there is a known milk sensitivity. The A1 gene was a mutation that was found and spread through mainly dairy cow herds in more recent history and is beginning to be linked to multiple conditions including Type 1 Diabetes and heart disease. Does this mean A1 milk is bad? Not necessarily, but it's not the best. So if you have a choice between A1 and A2 milk, choose the A2. A2 type of β-casein is also the protein found in human breast milk so it only makes sense that this would be the ultimate version of raw cows milk you can get! The Diamond S cows have been tested and found to be A2/A2. If you would like to learn more about A2A2 milk, I think this article is great and has great references: https://downacowtrail.com/2020/02/14/a2-a2-milk-what-it-is-and-why-you-need-it/ What if I don’t really like to consume milk plain? Milk can be used in just about anything you can imagine from mixing into your eggs in the morning, added to your soup in the afternoon, or to be made into a creamy gravy for dinner. And for a dessert, I am going to pass on a favorite recipe in the form of a short class that was also put on by Laurie at The Healing Table. Natural, nutritious, and exceptionally tasty Real Food Pudding! What’s Next? You have read the information above and may have followed the links to learn more. Ready for milk? Alright, just head on over to the Contact Us portion of our website to get in touch and learn more about where and when you can pick up your dairy! Hope to see you soon! ~Diamond S P.S. Be on the lookout for our next post about Raw Milk Kefir! |
September 2024
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]