Once again this week we will be at The Bee on Thursday! Stop on by and make it a one-stop shop. This week we will be bring along some Kefir Cheese - full of probiotics, enzymes, and flavor! Also, the Parmesan Cheese that was made a year ago is now ready! We'll also have some Crème Fraiche available as well!
Hey everyone! We wanted to remind you that we are now at Bee Healthy on Thursday's from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in order to coordinate with Craft Farms. This week have a great deal on some ingredients and a recipe to make some delicious kefir biscuits! ![]() As you can see, you get cultured butter, kefir, and the recipe for just $8.00! Bundle, save, and make some amazing kefir biscuits for dinner. They were so easy to make, even I could do it! ;) Have a great day and we hope to see you at Bee Healthy! Blaise for Diamond S
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the second full week of 2018! How about that weather over the weekend? Wasn't it just lovely! Blaise and I were able to take the horses out for a nice ride in the sunshine. We wanted to update everyone about the change in days that we will be at Bee Healthy. We will now be there Thursdays in order to coordinate with Lloyd Craft Farms. Lloyd Crafts will be there selling fruits and vegetables to anyone and everyone. So in order to help provide a "one-stop shop" we decided to switch days and coordinate with them. Now, if Thursdays don't work for you and you'd rather stick with your Friday pick-up day, that is just fine! Your milk will be delivered Thursday but you can come anytime The Bee is open to pick-up your milk. Just find it with your label in the fridge. This week we have several hard cheeses in stock and we hope to have some sourdough bread by Friday along with some cheese curds, dependent upon the quantity of milk we have after filling all other orders! We hope that you all have a wonderful week and maybe we'll see you Thursday @ The Bee! ~Emma for Diamond S Delights Wow, 2017 has just flown by! What an amazing year it was and we cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store for us. Here is a look back at some of the best of 2017! In 2017 we had our very own cheese/bread making class and it was a hit! Class filled up quick and everyone enjoyed learning the art of cheese and bread making. We also had several calves throughout the year that were just adorable. Perhaps one of the highlights of 2017 was Kris going to Switzerland. Just look at the scenery and architecture! She brought back so many great ideas and we have tried some of them with our delicious dairy products throughout the remainder of the year. We were also blessed to share our product in several places, including the Ten Sleep Brewery, Taste of Wyoming in Basin, Craft Farms, and we now have product at Bee Healthy in Worland. We want to personally thank all of the customers and friends we have made throughout the year, and we cannot wait to share our dairy delights with you in 2018.
With year end duties and craziness, Kris at Diamond S Delights is breathing deeply and finishing year-end books for the ranch and volunteer jobs! We have to take a couple weeks to regroup and gather bottles. So please check the back porch, pantry and any boxes you haven't looked in for a while and get those bottles returned so we can fill them up again. In the near future we have special orders of curds and cottage cheese. If you would like some be sure to email us at [email protected]. We will be back to the cheese, butter and bread making in a very short time, so stay tuned and we appreciate each and every one of you and wish you all a wonderful 2018! Also, instead of Fridays we will be joining Craft Farms every Thursday at Bee Healthy. We will be there starting tomorrow (1/4/2018) so stop by and say hi! Although we will be there on Thursdays, everyone can still pick up their milk on Friday or whenever Bee Healthy is open. ~Blaise for Diamond S |
January 2025
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]