With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas season soon upon us - so many blessings to count that sometimes we have a hard time listing them. If you ever find yourself in this situation maybe you are like me and need some quiet time, it's then we can take time to really listen and see that the lessons we've just been given are really blessings that take more time to uncover. I recently remember saying my prayers to help me do a good job with all the different little aspects of our tiny micro-dairy. If the next lesson is a blessing you will be meeting a talented writer that spent time at the Diamond S Ranch. "Following me" is what she called her time here, but what a sweet inspiration in more ways than we can count. Seems like yesterday but she has a sweet little family of her own now and wants to keep her Wyoming memories alive. So please watch for a new twist on our Blog maybe after Christmas, maybe before!! But for now I would like to introduce you to a few newbies at the Diamond S then we will tell you what we have this week!! Upper left is Mae, newest sweet heifer born in August. She's untying my shoe. Opal is the newest milk cow, joining us this month, Princess & Cameron joined the milking herd earlier this year. On Thanksgiving Day Marge (the duck) & Lisa joined the little laying girls. Marge's eggs are as large as our heirloom hen's dark green eggs but are brown. Watch for one of these nice eggs in your carton. We are so sorry but this time of year the little girls slow their egg laying so some of you have been shorted. The bottom picture is a shot of the different kinds and sizes of Sauerkraut that our group of 12 made on November 3rd & bottled and labeled on November 26th and 27th. This is not really a Diamond S Delights regular product. It's something we do together to help others learn and preserve some wonderful veggies from Lloyd Craft Farm. November 3rd we started with 92 pounds of fresh veggies. For helping, learning, teaching and sharing everyone got or will get some of each kind. Several have shared their favorite kind - I hope others will post comments sharing their experience and favorite kraut with others. We are taking orders for what's left so please order this week and store in your frig. Now let's list a few extras for the week of November 29th thru December 5th.
Another blessing in disguise, we waste not a drop of our A2/A2 delicious milk. We again will make hard cheeses when our supply is higher than our demand for the fresh goodness. We owe it to the Raw Milk community to produce the best and cleanest milk possible and are ever so thankful for the food freedom act that allows us to choose the quality of our food. Our raw milk family is growing in numbers lets not forget these blessings and do our part to make sure the government has no reason to step in and change a real blessing. We deliver fresh goodness weekly. Monday to TenSleep and Thursday to Worland. May we continue for many years to come. All the girls make me smile each and every day...So so many blessings. Each of you are blessings to us. Thank you for your support. Looking forward to 2019!
![]() On November 3rd a group of us got together to turn approximately 85 or more pounds of veggies into nourishing fermented sauerkraut. We made four different kinds using heirloom and kaitlin cabbage, red cabbage, carrots, beets, ginger, onion, garlic, black radish and dill. Locally grown veggies so we all knew how fresh and delicious they all were. There are so many recipes you can source on the internet but we just started with our family's favorite ingredients and added a few new ingredients upon request to create a new recipe. This was a day to share and learn from each other, knowing we had a lot of veggies to chop and get in the crocks a few hours. Mission accomplished, and we all will be stocking our refrigerators to enjoy the harvest long into the winter months. Everyone picked a station that suited them. We will bottle our work shortly after Thanksgiving. First is Savory Kraut, Variation to the Red Zinger (addition of carrots) Red Zinger, KC, and Captain's Kraut. We have extra quarts not spoken for so if you are looking for some tasty sauerkraut order soon. This week and every Thursday by 3 pm at Bee Healthy we will be delivering pre-ordered, Whipping cream, Milk, Chocolate Milk, Kefir, Maple/Vanilla Kefir, Greek yogurt, Cultured Butter, Marinated Feta and aged cheeses, Tomme, Havarti, Cheddar and Swiss. Many of you are on our weekly delivery, no need to contact us unless you have changes or additions. Regular orders filled first. You can be put on our waiting list and notified when products are available. Contact us by e-mail [email protected], text 307-272-5334 or via Facebook Messenger. Happy Eating, from our table to yours!
January 2025
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]