I do love creating something wonderful with Miss Daisy and Miss Hannah's milk. One day you have fresh sweet milk the next you might have a special cheese, sweet cream or cultured cream butter, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, or so many other products. But the difference between "Raw" milk and the stuff you buy at the grocery is if you leave raw milk on the counter you create another even more healthy product; if you leave the grocery milk on the counter you just have rotten yuk!
You know we milked cows for lots of years while we raised our kids in Jackson. We also ate sour dough hot cakes every morning for at least 20 years. Didn't know at that time either of them were what we'd be doing again 20+ years later. Gene's mom gave me a fresh start of sour dough at least once a week for the first year we were married as I couldn't seem to remember to save what was needed for the next day, or I'd use whole grain that I'd just ground and for some reason when you are feeding the start you just can't use those better-for-you flours. Learning all about the wonders of sourdough will be next on my list after getting a few more kinds of cheeses figured out. Yes indeed I want to sprout the flour, dry it and then grind it. That sounds daunting but think very doable. All of these traditional foods just take time. Some of you are yards ahead of me on so many of these healthy things we can do for ourselves, but here again all we can do is learn to take those baby steps again... Let's talk a little bit about the girls. Miss Daisy is the brown swiss, who is dry now and due to calve in April. Miss Hannah is who I am milking at the moment. Can you believe how much cream is on top of her milk? She is Brown Swiss and Holstein we were told... Anyway she is a wonderful nurse cow, raising three calves, and now since Gene has weaned his babies, she has come to love the sound of the milk machine. When it is plugged in just wait a couple seconds and the milk starts running out. You have to hurry or some gets wasted!! What I woke up last night thinking about (okay with a little prompting from my cousin) is creating a part time share holder agreement for all of you that only get product from us once in a while, maybe stopping into our cheese shop (2016??) and ordering a frozen yogurt or ice cream or picking up some aged cheddar, or having me send you a case of Marinated Feta for Christmas gifts for your brothers and sisters! Whatever the case we'll be working on that real soon and I'll send you a link when it is ready for you to down load and print off and sign and send to me. That way if anyone ever questions either of us the paperwork will be in the office close to your cow, and we are all legal for raw milk sales in Wyoming as long as you own part of the cow! So what we have here at the Diamond S Ranch this week is: Been making Kefir by the gallon for some of the dairy share folks, so have extra this week: 16 oz for $1.50 ea. Also just finished another batch of Marinated Feta - we have 8- 8 oz jars for $8 ea, 1- 16 oz for $12 and 1- 32 oz $20 this week. Coming soon, we want to have a little group gathering at the HCC and have a little You Tube meeting then share ideas that we are working on. I've been thinking about this for months, but waiting for the HCC to be signed off on to get started. If that darn project doesn't come to an end soon I may not have enough of a mind left to do anything else... Patience is a virtue, my mother used to tell me!! I know I've missed some folks that have shown interest in our product, if you know someone please just share if you like or send me their e-mail address. Make it a wonderful day and thanks so much- Kris
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January 2025
Diamond S Ranch | PO Box 18, Hyattville, Wyoming 82428 | 307-469-2204 or 307-272-5334 text | [email protected]